Saturday, February 28, 2009

Today was soo boring
I miss school so much
more then my primary sch time.
I hate weekends now
I want sch~
I want to go back to sch~

d e a t h n o t e ) 6:14 AM

Friday, February 27, 2009

Today I was dam happy.
Had a few boring periods before recess
after recess before D&T class outside had choas
between a few guys of my class and 1/7
after that my mei cried-felt sad for her lor.
After school had Npcc,
it wad so totally fun.Learnt many new command and stuff.
So now had to go lor so stop here leh.

d e a t h n o t e ) 8:48 AM

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Today was Boring.Felt like sleeping during the whole 2 hour before recess.
Lessons are so boring that I almost fell asleep.
Teacher scould me for no reason sia so suay.
Then is recess sia,
when outside classroom because nth to do.
Saw ppl chasing one guy for her wallet back.
Asked her if she nid help then she did not hear and then jus ran off.
Then after all this its OEL.
Mr koong was so dam funny.
He said one thing that made us all laught.
He pointed to chalky and say,"U are very adorable"
We all laught like siao.
Then before OEL right was english.
The same prankster walk pass our class and shouted.
We all laught like siao and then mr heng became so angry with him.,
he ask some ppl to see wad class is it so he could reprimand them sia.

d e a t h n o t e ) 4:12 AM

Monday, February 23, 2009

I was to busy the few week.
So I'm sorry to not post for so long,
Hope that the next few week less busy lah so can pose more often.
Also thanks mei for tagging sia.
Finally someone tag -.-

d e a t h n o t e ) 2:35 AM

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Today I went to see movie at lot 1 with my peng yous.
Had fun there,show was interesting.
Then after show when to buy hp chain.
Bought things to eat.
Then HSH~
Ltr after that when to friends hse
had fun there then ltr when to buy keychains.
Then again HSH~

d e a t h n o t e ) 5:06 AM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

After wad had happened in december.I hab to spent this years valintines Alone by myself...
Even without the accompany of friends or family.

d e a t h n o t e ) 9:21 AM

Friday, February 13, 2009

Today I went for my NPCC training.Kanna scoulded by my nco for dunno wad reason,we had to do pumping and stuff.So by the end of the day(if I'm not wrong)
We did......
-40 jumping jacks
-50 crunches
-40-60 push ups
-30 tug jumps
How horrible will my muscles feel T.T
I was so annoyed also by the new Npcc Additional training list.Let me tell u how wad it wrote
Mon:3-5 squad training
tuesday:3-5 squad training
And as for wednesday and friday I have my Npcc normal training.
So that left me with onli THURSDAY free.

d e a t h n o t e ) 9:12 AM

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today I am going to go crazy.First it is because of one idiotic teacher hu anyhow go scould me then the next thing is.I made one girl blush like crazy.My friend say that it was very fun.I am not sure how long will they continue with the blushing thing.

d e a t h n o t e ) 9:06 AM